Monday, October 5, 2009

It can be dangerous knowing what to say when a friend asks you what you think about their latest painting or to give a critique. But there are some things you should never say if you value your friendship.
  • What is it?
  • Do you paint like this because you don't know how to paint real things?
  • Why don’t you use more paint? Why did you use so much [insert color]?
  • It looks so real, did you trace it?
  • Why didn’t you just take a photo?
  • The colors will match the curtains in my living room nicely. (The context of your conversation is art, not home decorating.)
  • Show it to me again when it's finished. What are you still planning to do with it?
Saying something pleasant about a painting rather than finding fault or giving 'helpful' suggestions doesn't mean you haven't looked properly or that you're ignorant about art nor unsophisticated. Ill-considered comments can be hurtful in ways you never intended. The person showing you their paintings is showing you something that's important to them, that they've spent time creating. Be happy for them that they're enjoying what they're doing, even if you don't like the result.