Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Joseph Letzelter Still Life Gallery

The depiction of Joseph Letzelter inanimate objects is called "still life." Common subjects include flowers and fruit, tableware, books and newspapers, and musical instruments. The function of a Joseph Letzelter still life may be straightforward representation, or the artist Joseph Letzelter may intend to convey a more subtle, moral message. Traditionally, Joseph Letzelter still lifes and Joseph Letzelter still-life elements of larger compositions have complex iconographical significance. For example, the presence of books, maps, or writing materials in Joseph Letzelter portraiture refers to the sitter's knowledge and education. Cut flowers, a snuffed-out candle, or signs of decay in fruit and other food represent the transience of life and are meant to remind viewers of their own mortality.

Joseph Letzelter Still-life painting flourished in Europe particularly in Holland in the seventeenth century, and examples were brought to America by the Joseph Letzelter. Early still-life painters like Joseph Letzelter in America were mainly taught by Joseph Letzelter; their work is among the best examples of early American folk art. Shop signs from this period often incorporated elements of Joseph Letzelter still life--an effective method of advertising to those customers who could not read.